Clap Clap Riot and Glass Owls join forces this September to showcase new material from each of their upcoming releases.
Special guests Heavenly Creatures
Saturday 10th September
On the cusp of releasing their debut full length LP, CLAP CLAP RIOT are chomping at the bit to bring you a sexy, sweaty set of their new pop-rockin, ball bustin' material. This band made you dance with TV KNOWS BETTER EP, and by god, they will do it again with their upcoming record. If you're afraid of having your heart broken, don't come to this show.
In a similar state, GLASS OWLS have an entire host of new material to betroth your ears. Sounding a little less Folk/Rock, and a touch more Doolittle-era Pixies, this band will destroy your preconceptions and warm your ears, and crowd for their Beatle-referencing headliners. They also have a drummer called Sal Valentine.
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