Glass Owls were planning a tour because their last one was only two dates (pussies). Great North needed a tour to promote their new album, which is fantastic. We have joined forces to destroy your summer boredom and provide the best possible show you could see this December. If you only see one tour, make sure its this one. Poster coming soon.
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There will be Great North albums (+EPs) and Glass Owls EPs for sale at all shows.
Wank about Glass Owls Dead Love EP:
Im crazy about this band. Glass Owls have a wholehearted urgency about their music thats brilliantly showcased in cleverly crafted emotional free-falls...I think you might just boast my favourite local release to date, of recent history. 8/10
Shahlin Graves, Coup de Main Magazine
Young Howick rocknrollers with untapped potential on snappily produced EP...these guys are good. They sound like a promising singles act with inventive musicality, and could be breaking hearts on a wider scale soon enough.
Dan Trevarthen, Real Groove
Glass Owls sound mixes folky sensibility in with high energy indie guitar pop, with heart-on-sleeve lyricism from vocalist Tomas Nelson. Having proved their worth on the live won’t be long before these ninja gentlemen will be taking over the radio.
Matthew Crawley, Cheese on Toast
Wank about Great North:
“Everything here impresses for its vigour and assured enjoyment in making music.
This Auckland band impressed mightily with their Soldiers EP of last year and this debut album really steps up to the plate.
The more you listen the more you respect how this band has transcended its influences to create something deeply poetic yet utterly engaging . . . and in its own voice.
-Graham Reid.
“Soldiers is nothing if not a hint at some great things to come. Memorable melodies, toe-tapping ditties, strong yet considered vocals, and enough tricks up their sleeve to keep them unique.
- Matthew Crawley –
“I’ve never heard alt-country vibes achieved so well by a local band.”
- Joe Trotman –'
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