Sawnoff Presents East St Fundraiser Throwdown

Sawnoff Presents East St Fundraiser Throwdown

East Street Cafe, Nelson - Sat 5th Apr 8:00pm(i)
Early Bird $8.00+BF Sold out!
General Admission $10.00+BF Buy

Tour Information
We’re raising money for our friends at East St as a thank you for opening the door back up to extreme/alternative music in Nelson and giving us and other bands a venue to host sick events at!
Featuring SAWNOFF Nelson's heavyweights always bringing the mosh, Leggspredda with their unique blend of heavy metal as well as two of Nelson own Punk collectives National Munt & $lut!

Saturday 5th April
Doors at 8pm, first band shortly after
$10 tickets online or $15 on the door