Unsanitary Napkin - Carb On Carb - Pining Radiata

Unsanitary Napkin - Carb On Carb - Pining Radiata

Tour Information
Three bands wholly or partially resident in Whanganui providing performances for you!

Unsanitary Napkin ! are extremely seriously good and have just returned from a Europe tour! They also recently released a great split LP with Jalang. They will play at 11pm.

Carb on Carb ! are fun and have just returned from an Australian tour! They also recently released an LP, their third, called Take Time. They will play at 10pm.

Pining Radiata ! are an excitingly new band, with members split between Whanganui, Wellington and Palmy. They have just put their debut single and they use a rhodes it sounds great. They will play at 9pm.