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Watch SKILAA Play 'Scratch Me Out' Live on RNZ

Watch SKILAA Play 'Scratch Me Out' Live on RNZ

Samantha Cheong / C.C. / Thursday 22nd August, 2024 1:02PM

Since my first listen of their sensational use of melisma and their intriguing grooves a couple of years ago, Tāmaki's SKILAA have been scorching pathways through Aotearoa's live music scene and radio networks with their multiple-genre concoctions — last month unveiling their exceptional debut record Tiger In The River. Led by Chelsea Prastiti, they've shared footage of their recent performance of 'Scratch Me Out' for Jesse Mulligan's RNZ Afternoons show. Filmed by Yuriko, keyboardist Crystal Choi (Phoebe Rings) steps in as backing vocalist while Michael Howell’s singing slide guitar and the incredible motley of percussion by Adam Tobek keep you on your tigger tail. ‘Scratch Me Out’ and the rest of the album will soon be played for the first time in full at Auckland's Neck of the Woods in a few weeks, after their initial North Island release shows were postponed due to sickness — they promise to return sometime for Pōneke fans, as the capital city gig couldn't be rebooked. Worry not like a feline dropped into water though, as SKILAA have got you covered. Their affordable tickets each come with a digital download of Tiger In The River too. What!?

Thursday 5th September - Neck of the Woods, Auckland w/ Lips and She's So Rad

Tickets available HERE via UTR


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Skilaa 'Tiger In The River' Album Release - Akl
Thu 5th Sep 7:30pm
Neck of the Woods, Auckland