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Experience Club Ruby & FINNSOFT's Music Video Game 'Was God Birthed!?'

Experience Club Ruby & FINNSOFT's Music Video Game 'Was God Birthed!?'

Chris Cudby / Tuesday 23rd July, 2024 12:04PM

Putting listeners and gaming aficionados on the spot with a hefty cosmic question, Tāmaki Makaurau's Club Ruby unite with Finn Johansson's indie game studio FINNSOFT to unleash their new music video game Was God Birthed!? Sparked by the intriguing premise, "Do you ever wish that the dope music video you just saw, that looked like a video game, was actually playable?" FINNSOFT's interactive collaboration with Club Ruby took shape following an initial exchange of ideas between Johansson and bassist Vice President Hon at a coding bootcamp.

The concluding ballad on Club Ruby's 2023 EP of the same name, featuring Reuben Hudson on co-vocals, the video excerpt below for Was God Birthed!? hints at gallery-like virtual environments players may find themselves exploring / pondering within — encouraging players to "explore a lush, liminal museum with surreal surprises at every turn as you avoid your dad with your wits and scooter, and make it downstairs in time to catch the Club Ruby Rave!" Fans can also catch Club Ruby irl with Thinking Foxes for one of the last ever gigs at Tāmaki's legendary The Wine Cellar on 2nd August. Was God Birthed!? is playable on Windows and available now via STEAM right HERE.

"We wanted to break away from the conventional music video release. Creating a video game felt like an innovative and thrilling way for fans to engage with our music on a whole new level". - Vice President Hon

"I’ve always dreamed of being involved in the making of a video game. I was always doing creative projects with my cousins when I was younger, which included coding little games that we could play with each other. I wanted to bring back that mixed feeling of joy and wonder of the world that you feel as a child, while also asking the big questions". - President Ruby

Thinking Foxes, Club Ruby
Friday 2nd August - The Wine Cellar, Auckland

Tickets on sale HERE via UTR


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Thinking Foxes And Club Ruby At The Wine Cellar - The End Of An Era
Fri 2nd Aug 8:00pm
The Wine Cellar, Auckland