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Watch Frau Knotz's Video For New Single 'The Heart of Spring'

Watch Frau Knotz's Video For New Single 'The Heart of Spring'

Chris Cudby / Image credit: Blue Hamel aka Halfofnothing / Friday 19th July, 2024 1:25PM

Ruling SRN airwaves with the synthetic avant-pop textures of recent single 'Other Futures', Frau Knotz (Lauren Nottingham) shares today 'The Heart of Spring', the third release from her forthcoming debut Nextraterrestrial EP. Bouyant auto-tuned vocals and pulsing electronics convey a celestial atmosphere for the Ngāmotu / New Plymouth songwriter / producer's "ode to love", organic vocal tones emerge from ambient washes to reach a soaring crescendo, before the tune dissolves into cloud-like wisps. Recorded with Sam Johnson at Rhythm Ace Studio, 'The Heart of Spring' launches with perpetually cascading visuals of a free-falling figure — animated by Christchurch-born, LA-based artist Blue Hamel aka Halfofnothing.

Envisaged as "a seamless audiovisual experience of 7 distinct soundscapes accompanied by a 3D fully-animated short film", Frau Knotz will unveil Nextraterrestrial in its entirety on 23rd August. The artist is hosting a special all-ages Nextraterrestrial premiere film screening and behind-the-scenes production seminar at New Plymouth's Event Cinemas on Thursday 15 August. Experience 'The Heart of Spring' and head along...

“I feel strongly that this song epitomises my EP as a whole. The first half of ‘The Heart of Spring’ was completed in 2021 on my laptop; those original home-recorded vocals and MIDI arrangements remain on the final track. But the magic lies in the second half; composed and recorded within three hours in the creative cradle of Rhythm Ace Studio. Both Sam Johnson and I were astounded by how the heavens aligned on that day, allowing us to forge a slow-burning, expansive soundscape that did justice to my fresh lyrics penned over a year after the original poem."

Frau Knotz 'Nextraterrestrial' EP Film Premiere
Thursday 15th August - Event Cinemas, New Plymouth

Tickets on sale HERE via UTR

'The Heart of Spring' is out today on major streaming platforms.


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Frau Knotz 'Nextraterrestrial' EP Film Premiere
Thu 15th Aug 7:15pm
Event Cinemas, New Plymouth