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Music First Invites Benny Salvador - Auckland Show Announced

Music First Invites Benny Salvador - Auckland Show Announced

Chris Cudby / Wednesday 26th June, 2024 4:00PM

"Keep the music first" is the on-point dancefloor-friendly mantra of Music First, who've just announced a mid-winter club extravaganza at Tāmaki Makaurau's Whammy Bar on 26th July. They've invited Te Whanganui-a-Tara DJ / producer high-flyer Benny Salvador, whose open-eared excursions via Aunty Records include the rhythmically limber jazz / funk / disco excellence of 2022's long player Family Fruit, the tropical grooves of 2023's Nepolian Wrasse, and last month's superb machine-jam journey Gumboot. Salvador will be moving the crowd alongside Music First residents Frank Booker and Samuel Harmony — do not delay in securing your spot...

Music First Invites Benny Salvador
with MF residents Frank Booker and Samuel Harmony
Friday 26th July - Whammy Bar, Auckland

Tickets on sale HERE via UTR

Listen up to Benny Salvador's new Gumboot EP...


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Music First : Benny Salvador
Fri 26th Jul 10:00pm
Whammy Bar, Auckland