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Interview: Half Hexagon Chat Band Dynamics And Plans For The Future

Interview: Half Hexagon Chat Band Dynamics And Plans For The Future

C.C. / A.K. / Photo credit: Maison Fairey / Thursday 16th June, 2022 10:15AM

Tomorrow evening at Avondale's Hollywood Theatre Vanessa Worm, Kraus, Friendly Potential DJs and brand new act Half Hexagon kick off the first of three shows in the fantastic and FREE Hollywood Nights series. Fresh on the scene, electronic trio Half Hexagon haven't released any tracks just yet, but the reputation of band members James Milne (Lawrence Arabia), Julien Dyne and Yolanda Fagan (Na Noise) as well as the tantalising audio snippets shared on their Instagram are more than enough to have those in the know eager for more. In an attempt to unveil the secret sounds and plans of the mysterious three-piece, UTR editor Chris Cudby asked all the questions you've been eager to pose in the below email chat with the band...

Hollywood Nights - The Hollywood, Avondale, Auckland

Friday 17th June
Vanessa Worm, Half Hexagon, Kraus, Friendly Potential DJs + special guest

Thursday 23rd June - Matariki eve
LEAO, Phoebe Rings, Carnivorous Plant Society, DJ Tuāfale Tanoa’i

Friday 24th June - Matariki
Church & AP, PollyHill, LB, FABLE, Lutherlancelot

Doors at 7pm (no passouts)
Tickets are free but you must pre-book (limit of 2 tickets per email address - R18)
Although tickets are sold out, you can join the waiting list at

This here features James Milne and Yolanda, two out of three in Half Hexagon and the closest I could get to a relevant video...

Chris Cudby: What motivated the three of you to form Half Hexagon? How long have Half Hexagon been writing tunes together for?

Half Hexagon: The band started as a recording project between James and Julien during the first lockdown I think? Initiated by James in part as a way to explore some different avenues from his Lawrence Arabia persona. At first it was strictly an internet flirtation, sending parts back and forth building up ideas, it wasn't until James approached Yolanda (Vicki) to sing on some demos (which turned out really great) that the idea of band began to take shape.

How was performing to a room full of gig-goers at The Wine Cellar a few weeks ago, who had no idea what Half Hexagon sounded like? A rare situation for sure — what was the response like?

It was really great! We had no idea that anyone would come along, yet alone receive such a glowing response! Many of the songs are still in their infancy so it was fun to air them out and see what worked and what didn't.

As there are no official recordings out yet of Half Hexagon, I'm going to ask the most dreaded musical question: how would you describe your "sound"?

This is actually a tough question! And perhaps best left up to expert musical reviewer / journalists types? The sonic ingredients used in the band more than hint at a heavy electronic element (James plays multiple synthesizers / Yolanda sings through many effects pedals), that said, the use of traditional drum set keeps the sound rooted in musics of the past (German psychedelic and progressive rock perhaps - sorry I said progressive rock yuck). Some kind of meld of vintage recorded influences and modern sounds / production whilst remaining relatively simplistic and natural in its approach / make up.

Is Half Hexagon strictly a come see them play live proposition for now, or can you say when you'll be launching any official recordings?

Recordings are a huge focus for us and a full length album is well underway.

Does Half Hexagon provide the opportunity for members to try out new ideas within the group format? Is Half Hexagon a democracy?

James is a real dictator! Often yelling at band members until tears are flooding down faces! A real grubby prick. No actually it's very democratic, recent practices have been great for collective musical creation, a very fun and productive way to make music.

Any specific inspirations for the group — sound-wise or visual?

Mostly just make some real hot records and play some fun shows? Also to create and promote a strong visual aesthetic with artworks, visuals and videos. Plans are underway for an international record release.

A couple of questions for James: have you ever played so many synthesisers simultaneously in one band before? Does HH have any relationship to your work with Chabs & Milky?

The answer to both of these questions is "no."

Is Half Hexagon "the new shape in entertainment"?

Haha, um I don't think so? - but it's fun whatever it is we're doing.

What can punters look forward to from Half Hexagon at Hollywood Nights?

A blazing hot set! Featuring multiple synthesizers / keyboards , drums and cool effected vocals.

Half Hexagon play The Hollywood theatre tomorrow as part of Hollywood Nights.


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