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Here's Five: Pablo Vasquez

Here's Five: Pablo Vasquez

Wednesday 23rd March, 2016 12:02PM

Pablo Vasquez is the classical guitar project of Jol Mulholland (Mulholland) and Elroy Finn. Having recently released their elegant debut self-titled album, the pair are playing one last live show together tonight in Auckland before Elroy heads off to tour with Wild Nothing. Before they part ways we thought we'd get some insight into their influences for this project, so the duo shared selections from five of their favourite guitarists. Get along to the Golden Dawn in Auckland tonight to see them live....

1. Mississippi John Hurt - 'Pay Day'

I learnt this when I was starting out - if you listen it's got a bassline, a rhythm line and a melody - it sounds like three guitars, but it's just the one. On top of that he's singing - it blew my mind and still does - Jol

2. Dire Straits - 'Down To The Waterline'
I had every DS album/cassingle/etc once upon a time, and was totally obsessed with Mark Knopfler's guitar playing. I learnt so many licks/songs and techniques that have stuck with me -Jol

3. John Williams - 'Asturias'
I taught my self classical guitar when I was about 19. Went to the library, got out some old music notation, and one of the pieces was this one. Learning it from manuscript was really challenging, and the moment it clicked was when I heard John Williams playing it on a tape I got. It's way easier to learn it by ear off the tape, and John's playing is really really good to learn from - Jol

4. Elliott Smith - 'Tomorrow Tomorrow'
I still can't figure out how he played this song. It's such an interesting finger picking pattern, it sounds like two guitars - Elory

5. Nick Drake - Fives Leaves Left (whole album)
Such beautiful evocative chord structures all throughout his catalogue. It's sad music but his musicianship has a playfulness about it - Elroy

Pablo Vasquez is performing tonight at The Golden Dawn in Auckland, head over here for more details.


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