SAMBA INDEPENDENTE is the newest samba band in New Zealand. It started a group of musician friends from the Brazilian community did a fundraising concert on Brazil’s Independence day to support victims of the flood in Brazil. The concert was a total success and what was going to be a one-off event became a band.
Samba, together with Bossa Nova is the most well known of the hundreds of Brazilian music genres. Within Samba there are many sub-genres and fusions, such as pagode, samba de raiz, partido alto, samba-rock, samba reggae, SAMBA INDEPENDENTE will play this and much more.
Alda Rezende: voice
Felicien Houet: acoustic guitar
Julie Bevan: cavaquinho
Jeanette Spicer: flute
Matheus Perez, Adriana Gimenes, Francis Tscheliski, Nikkie Rich and Tomas Souza: percussion and vocals
Music from 9pm, FREE ENTRY - throw some change in the Koha Tuba for the band!
Alda Rezende
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