Adam Hattaway is a hard man to pin down. Where did he come from? Where is he going? What does he want? Where is he now? He’s out there somewhere. On his way to the next gig. Stopping along the way to pick up some extra lip balm. If nothing else, he is always prepared. You see, it’s easy to put a label on a can of tomatoes but Adam Hattaway is no can of tomatoes. In a time when everyone is eager to place themselves in comfortable little boxes, Adam Hattaway is out on his own,exposed to the elements. Some people know what they want, but they are the lucky few. Adam Hattaway is still searching for answers and singing to the ones who still don’t know what it is they are looking for. They are his people. You won’t hear him singing out over the cafe sound system, muddying the conversations of people on their work break.The algorithm doesn't care for Adam Hattaway and that’s the way it ought to be.
Our friend Adam (and yes, you can think of him as a friend) has a lot of material. An album a year quickly adds up. Especially if that album’s a ‘double.’ But it’s still not enough for Adam Hattaway. And it never will be. When has anything ever been enough for anybody?
“One of the most striking albums of the year. It’s the most unusual but welcoming album” - Henry Wagons, ABC Radio Australia on 'High Horse' 2024
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Adam Hattaway
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