Heather Webb presents her Masters recital. A playful exploration of the crossover (and blindspots) between astrophysics, outer space, musical theory, reflection and conviction. A must see for everybody.
Heather Webb - Guitar
Darren Pickering - Piano/Synth
Reuben Derrick - Saxophone
Michael Story - Bass
Joseph McCallum - Drums/Percussion
Sarah McCracken - Violin
Andrew Maddick - Violin
Naomi Hnat - Cello
Heather's music, inspired by astrophysics and astronomy connects the rich history of these ideas, weaving improvised jazz with the structure of the universe.
Daughter of Dutch scientist and Aotearoa artist, she offers a unique perspective - both artistic and scholarly - and focuses her work on the lunar phases and star clusters of our southern skies.
Leading events in both the traditionally male-dominated fields of science and music, Heather is internationally sought-after and is rated as one of the top woman in NZ jazz by RNZ.
Doors - 6:30pm, Music - 7pm
Heather Webb,
Darren Pickering,
Reuben Derrick,
Michael Story,
Joseph McCallum,
Sarah McCracken,
Andrew Maddick,
Naomi Hnat
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