This Festival event will have most of the familiar well loved folk festival features-concerts, blackboard sessions, blind date concerts, dance, jamming and a water fight for those with fond memories of the Tui New Year festival.
Book Early for the Waitangi Summer Festival!!
This year Waitangi day falls on a Thursday, so the “formal” festival will run from midday Thursday 6th to midday Sunday 9th when we need to pack up and leave the site.
Our guests this year are the duo Blue Sea Above; Dean Hollebon and Tom Bolton who first played together at a previous Waimate Festival and have gone on to create a fascinating fusion of original folk and violin.
Our other guests are the famous (infamous?) Barreltones. Master Musicians Read Hudson, Steve Barkman, Barry Macdonald and Adrian Higgins have been persuaded to reunite for the festival and treat us to their lively mix of folk, country and blues.
There will also be jam sessions, blackboard concerts, humour and poetry events as well as blind dates (musical ones, that is) and a water fight.
This is a small festival with a site limit, so please book early to ensure a spot.
The festival will be held at the beautiful rural retreat: Gunn’s Bush Camp, 36 Gunn's Bush Road, Hunter, Waimate 7978
Book your tickets here:
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