SKILAA combines a powerhouse rhythm section for beats and chord progressions, and a triple vocal unit blending beautiful melodies and harmonies. Merging RnB and hip-hop with intricate, sometimes Balkan-style melismatic vocal harmony arrangements, SKILAA’s music is full of folklore imagery, pyrotechnic vocals and ornate grooves, but is also simply just damn good for dancing to!
This event is part of OMV LIGHT UP THE NIGHT, New Plymouth's biggest New Years Eve celebration at the Festival of Lights.
The stages are set for five weeks of grooving in Pukekura Park at the TSB Festival of Lights. Explore the entire stacked line-up of talent from New Zealand and beyond on the TSB Festival of Lights website festivaloflights/summer
Make sure to check for updates and wet weather details at, or on Facebook and Instagram at @tsbfestivaloflights.
hip hop/rnb,
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