With the combined forces of Masif, Rinsed and HardLove, a true clubbing experience returns once again to Christchurch's premier venue.
Prepare yourself for another unforgettable night of trance, hard dance and the harder styles as we take over HIDE this Canterbury Anniversary day.
After the huge success of last year's show, we welcome back the maestro who needs little introduction, the Masif mastermind himself: STEVE HILL
This time we also wanted to do something really special, so we reached out to NZ trance royalty SAMPLE GEE
He's agreed to dust off his tunes and come out of retirement to perform an exclusive set of Largered-inspired anthems, just for us!! Between these two Kiwi icons, you're in for a 3hr treat of trance and hard dance classics.
And as if that wasn't enough, we've got the RINSED crew celebrating their 21st birthday, with Steve Hill performing a Masif Hardstyle set
Supporting lineup from these local legends:
Andy Pulzar
We can't stress enough - THIS LINEUP WILL NEVER BE REPEATED AGAIN - so gather your crew, secure your spot on the dancefloor now and don't miss out on this truly historic occasion!
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