The 3 November show will feature Cordelias, Billy Lyrical, Rue Barb and Annette Esquenet and Jo Moir
Cordelias - Cordelia's is an indie trio (with a hint of feminine rage) from Pōneke! Thematically, Cordelia’s explore the feminine gaze, queerness in light of societal norms, and navigate heartache, wellbeing, and identity. The musicians create an acoustic laid-back sound with guitar, piano, cajon, and vocal harmonies. Cordelia's what you may ask? Watch and find out!
Billy Lyrical - Billy Lyrical the Bard of Berhampore, cheerfull cynicism with a catchy chorus, his ironic sardonicisms will get you in the mood for serious drinking.
Rue Barb - Pop band from Wellington. Writing and playing original music from the heart.
Annette Esquenet and Jo Moir - Annette Esquenet is a Kāpiti based singer songwriter who has a style all of her own.
Her songs are full of soft spoken wisdom - she sets heart-felt lyrics to interesting melodies
Jo Moir will be accompanying Annette on violin and vocal harmonies.
Door from 6:00pm.`
Cordelias - from 7:00pm;
Billy Lyrical - from 7:35 pm; and
Rue Barb - from 8: 20pm
Annette Esquenet and Jo Moir - from 9:00pm
Tickets $12 from Eventfinda, or $15 at the door.
There is a limit of 100 tickets for this show. You can book a table for a group separately from the venue -, 04 389 9933.
Annette Esquenet,
Jo Moir,
Rue Bard,
The Cordelias,
Billy Lyrical
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