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Enda Kenny: The Finest Irish Songwriter Living Overseas

Sun Nov 10th, 2024

Doors open
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All Ages
Cover charge*
*Guide only - booking fees may apply
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Dublin-born folksinger Enda Kenny is one of Australia's favourite festival performers.

As a storytelling songwriter, his ability to instantly engage audiences is well known, creating evocative characters drawn from life that pull you into their stories and songs that trigger memories you didn't know you had.

He has the migrant's eye for his adopted landscape, has travelled widely across and around it and found the word pictures to bring it to life like you are travelling with him.

He has headlined festivals in Hong Kong and the UK, opened for the McGarrigles at Sidmouth Arena, toured through Germany and Holland, and played thousands of venues from Folk in the Bath and The Albert Hole to The Drunken Poet. He is equally at home around the campfire at Nariel Creek, Australia's longest running festival.

Kenny is a cracking solo entertainer, the raw emotion of songs like Heart Tattoo and Vigil are beautifully balanced by hilarious observations about everyday life and human frailty. As the world reopens its doors to live music, his travels are taking him even further along the road. Make sure you catch him.

“On small stages to intimate audiences or large stages to festival audiences he always holds the crowd in the palm of his hand. Witty and intelligent songwriting and a brilliant night's entertainment” - Eleanor McEvoy

“Enda is regarded by many as the best folk singer-songwriter in Australia. He showcases his brilliant songs during hugely entertaining live performances...Heart Tattoo matches wonderful stories of local characters and places with strong melodies. The album has garnered high praise from reviewers, including likening Enda's lyrical skills to those of Leonard Cohen.” - House on The Hill

“The finest Irish songwriter living overseas” - Colum Sands

acoustic/solo, country/folk

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