Tāmaki Makaurau-based electronic artists Jess Robinson and Fern make their Pyramid Club debut with local ambient-pop artist Todd Luffa. Three solo sets will be followed by one special duo set from Jess Robinson and Fern.
Jess Robinson a sound artist, composer and engineer from Tāmaki Makaurau. She is currently completing studies in composition and mechatronics engineering at the University of Auckland, and combines these fields in her creative practice through digital musical instrument design, algorithmic composition and live coding.
Fern is a sound artist/producer/dj based in Tāmaki Makaurau. Their work explores the space between analogue and digital electronics, bridging DACs, ADCs and transistors to realize maximum stereo sound.
Todd Luffa is the experimental Ambient-pop project of Tony Amerman, originally from Minneapolis MN, now based in Pōneke. Todd Luffa’s multiple releases combine sample based sounds, arpeggios, HNW and heavy bass.
Special thanks to Creative New Zealand for supporting Pyramid Club's programme
Jess Robinson,
Todd Luffa
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