Dynamic duo Craig Denham and Jo Taylor, collectively known as Songware, will perform deep folk, dark country, celtic and as yet unidentified genres in a spontaneous and enlivening concert at our new Ohau home on Tuesday evening, 4 April commencing at 7:30 pm. $20 koha please and a small contribution to supper would be wonderful. NOTE CHANGE OF DATE
Craig says: Some of the better known projects I’ve been involved with over the years include Ardijah (played keys for them for about six months), Ruia Aperahama (I was MD of his band for about four years – he’s the What’’s The Time Mr Wolf guy – and the Waiata Marley albums), Mamaku Project (I played accordion) and then my own Kiwi band Beyondsemble. I was in 13 bands at one time in Auckland trying to survive as a musician. That’s when I created Beyondsemble. It was an attempt to have a band that at least covered 70% of the styles I liked to play. Recently I was in Alpaca Social Club playing at the Auckland Folk Festival, and with Songware, we will play at Hamsterfest 2023.
Jo Taylor is a stalwart of the NZ folk scene. She is a vocalist, guitarist and Bodhran player. She spent a number of years up in Auckland and headlined the Folk Festival up there as a solo artist and with her all girl band Brazen from the early 2000s. More recently she was bass player for The Johnnys (all girls all Johnny Cash). Now based in Nelson Jo plays regularly with brother Clayton and others in The Revelators.
Book with ohaufolk@gmail or 027 2079695 - Dale will confirm and provide the address, lots of flat paddock parking, easy to find from SH 1. Hope you can make this unique concert!
Craig Denham,
Jo Taylor
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