Tom Grant Disciples are swooping back into Valhalla for their first gig of 2022 with a rocking set of Nirvana hits: including “that one Nirvana track everyone knows”, and a few unexpected gems to start the new year off right! 2022 marks the 31st anniversary of Nirvana’s Nevermind album, so we can’t wait to wait to pay tribute to some of those iconic tracks in celebration.
2021 has been a hell of a year for everyone with the Delta outbreak wreaking havoc on all parts of life. With lockdowns, masks, alert levels and cancelled gigs, we really haven’t caught a break. But with 2021 thankfully in the rear view mirror we can’t wait to celebrate the start of a new year and kick covid to the curb. As drummer, Anthony Rose so passionately stated at their most recent gig, immediately before ripping into Stay Away… “Fuck covid!”.
To quote Ben, Manager of Valhalla: “Tom Grant Disciples are New Zealand’s premier Nirvana tribute band”. TGD offer a unique and authentic Nirvana tribute experience, complete with stage props, attire and tactical imagery. As we like to remind you #wearenotloungeapes. See you in the crowd!
Tom Grant Disciples,
Krash The World,
Adult Friends
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