Bach Musica NZ chorus and symphony orchestra, NZ's leading combined vocal and orchestral ensemble, performs Mendelssohn's Symphony No 2 Hymn of Praise, op. 52. The romantic Hymn of Praise (Lobgesang) derives from the famous Beethoven's Ninth Symphony in that it consists of three orchestral movements followed by a long vocal Finale. The composition is very popular throughout the UK and also here in NZ. 'It lies very near to my heart' wrote the composer himself.
Bach Musica NZ, conducted by their Muisc Director Rita Paczian, will be joined by vocal soloists Gina Sanders (soprano I), Libby Montgomery (soprano II) and Ridge Ponini (tenor).
W. Dart, NZ Herald, 2023: Bach Musica NZ's performance would have given joy to its composer, as it did to the audience.
Bach Musica NZ once again delivered a concert which was a triumph, a demonstration of unparalleled performing strength by its orchestra and chorus - underpinned by the uncompromised tenacity and commitment of its gifted Musical Director. (R. Buhmann, NZ Opera News)
Bach Musica NZ
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