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Auckland's Ary Jansen Shares Debut Single 'I Wanna Be Ignored'

Auckland's Ary Jansen Shares Debut Single 'I Wanna Be Ignored'

Monday 20th August, 2018 12:05PM

Auckland lo-fi pop artist Ary Jansen (Ragged Veins, Team Ugly) has unveiled 'I Wanna Be Ignored', the lead single from his debut collection Cut Off. The bittersweet tune combines cathartic lyricism with a peppy guitar-pop heft, as it reflects on Jansen's experiences as a transgender person living and partying in Melbourne. We can look forward to shows from the artist soon as he's currently organising a live band, Jansen shared some words around the origins of the new solo project in an accompanying statement...

"I wrote the song in 2015 when I was living in Melbourne, working at a call-centre, partying too-hard and realising that I was transgender. At the time I was playing the song live on guitar by myself - looping the riff and playing chords over the top, but in the recording i’ve added bass, drums and keyboard to give it a full band sound.

In June last year I had my boobs cut-off, but this EP is about feeling lonely, depressed and cut-off from other people under capitalism. That sounds sad but some of the songs are actually quite hopeful, I hope. I have been writing and recording this EP by myself every weekend for the last six months in my parents sleep out. The six songs are full of pop hooks recorded with a lo-fi sensibility and an earnest kiwi drawl."

'Cut Off' will be out on Bandcamp and Spotify on Monday 3rd September.


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